Monday, May 24, 2010

Shim Sham Variations

Here’s a nice post by the folks at Swing Patrol showcasing other versions of the Shim Sham.

You did know that there are other versions besides the Frankie Manning version, right? (If not, that’s ok, really).

I really want to learn a slip slop version of the Shim Sham. The Ninjammerz did a really neat one, but I’ll have to find it.

Posts like this always remind me that our little swing world is actually quite big. I’m referring to the different versions AND that there’s a lindy hop blog from the scene in London. I’ve only danced in the U.S. (primarily on the East coast) and I would love to dance all over the world. I studied abroad for a semester when I was in college, but alas, I hadn’t discovered dancing yet. Well, not swing dancing at least. (I did do a bit of booty shaking at Notting Hill Arts Club and -I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it - Walkabout).

For now, I’ll just dream about attending Herräng for a full month.


  1. You can learn Dax's slip slop shim sham on :)

  2. Hahaha, thanks Chels. As soon as I have bandwidth (and am back from deployment) I'll be all over my RJ account. :-)
